A Measured Approach – The Book

Around a year ago New Holland Publishers help realise a New Years resolution of mine (actually about 25 years ago when I was a young, full of enthusiasm and dreams, Craft Baker!) by offering to publish my first baking book, Cinnamon Square – A Measured Approach.  Finally in October 2016 the book is launched.

I wanted my book to be different to other baking books, so by focusing not just on craft baking skills but also measurement (weighing, time & temperature), the objective of my book would be to improve consistency of home baking and that the reader will confidently reproduce perfect bakes every time.  By also including many of my baking tips and techniques, my book would be a ‘must have’ for all home bakers.

The recipes are categorised into bread, sweet breads & buns, cakes & sponges, pastries, laminated pastries, biscuits & more, fillings & toppings, creams and finally chocolate.  Many of which are taken from the variety of different baking courses I have been teaching at Cinnamon Square for nearly 11 years.

A ‘measured approach’ is the name I have assigned to my style of baking and teaching.  It unites the craft and science of baking.  The guests on my baking courses are proof that this approach really works.  On any of my courses the guests will make everything by hand but also learn about the critical stages of the process, and any part of the process which can be measured too.  This enables the guests to be able to confidently reproduce perfect bakes every time at home.

One of the key measurements I promote in the book and on my courses is weighing recipes in grams.  This is the most accurate method and it will improve your baking successes.  However, the book does also contain the equivalent weights converted to pounds and ounces for those that have not embraced metrification, but my advice is to obtain a set of digital weighing scales and move over to grams, you won’t regret it.

The book is packed with beautiful images taken by local photographer, Joanna Good. It’s also filled with step by step illustrations to make it easy to follow and enjoyable to use.

Both myself, family, friends and the Cinnamon Square team are so excited to bring our bakes into your home and do what we always intend to do, make Rickmansworth proud.

For more information about the book click here.

Happy Baking

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