A Botanical Baker

When I first mixed flour, salt, yeast and water together 35 years ago, I’d probably have thought that by today I would know everything there is to know about bread…. wrong!  Well actually, I do know a fair bit now about the craft and science of bread making.  I’ve won awards for my breads and…

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Our journey so far…

To celebrate our 11th year anniversary, we put together a timeline of some of the achievements. Click the image to view a larger version.

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Official Book Launch at Litfest in Chorleywood

We were absolutely delighted to launch our new baking book, Cinnamon Square – A Measured Approach, at Litfest 2016 hosted by Chorleywood Book Shop. We had fantastic support from enthusiastic customers, along with friends and family so firstly I think a huge thank you is in order. Wendi Peters (Actress and Master Chef finalist) was…

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Our Signature Bun Scoops Cafe Quality Food Award

We’re so delighted to announce winning a prestigious Cafe Quality Food Award for our Cinnamon Square bun.  Our signature bun scooped the award for ‘Best Cake & Biscuit’ category at the presentation held at London’s Grosvenor House Hotel, on Wednesday 14th October 2015. The awards were open to all National, Regional and independent cafés, as…

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2003 BC²

[fusion_text] So what came first the Cinnamon Square Bun or the name of the shop?  Well it kind of happened all at the same time!  Let me explain… Paul (Mr Cinnamon Square) had came across a similar product from his travels to American and Canada whilst working as a Technical Manager for a food ingredients…

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